It stroked their feathers till they felt the barbs of the great outer pinions shiver.
Already he could see three - no, four - huge creatures circling over the city to the south on great pinions like those of a bat.
She turned away from the school building, towards the early-morning shouts and whistles, and pressed her face against the soft feathers of one great pinion.
Proginoskes reached out a great pinion and pulled Meg in to him.
To allow for the different gearing, the Dana 61 had a greater pinion offset.
The light dimmed abruptly as two great dragon pinions spread over the hole.
He launched suddenly into flight, striking upwards on his great black pinions, and there was an urgency in the way he bored for height.
The Angel was driven back into the breach, its great pinions crushed against its sides by the narrowness of the gap.
Wind whistles among those great, rainbow-shimmering pinions.
"The left and right wings of the party establishment - two great pinions of an ancient bird of prey".