The roast followed, borne in great platters, while Aymar was ready to sink under the table.
From the air, Athens looks like a great platter of gravel, rimmed with mountains and glittering with satellite dishes.
As we circle before landing, I can see the great platter leaves of the giant water lily unfurling over the flooded plain.
Other cries, shrieks, something silver whirling like a great platter, around and around.
"Slave girl's coming," Doc said, "staggering under a great platter of food and a flagon of milk."
There were great, colourful platters of tropical fruit and plenty of fresh seafood.
Dan handed the great platter of meat to Glover, starting it down the side of the table away from Janice.
His squat, powerful arms carried a great platter of roast meat, which be presented to each guest that he might serve himself as he desired.
The table was loaded with fruits and great platters heaped with foodstuffs.
A roar went up from the crowd as a servant brought out a great round platter on which lay a golden cake.