To head off trouble in these countries, Washington should vigorously press their leaders to make internal reforms and move toward greater political pluralism.
They seek greater pluralism and choice.
He also declares himself in favor of political reform, advocating greater pluralism and an end to electoral manipulation.
His role is supposed to shift to overseeing Poland's evolution to greater political pluralism from the death grip of Communist control.
In the past, economics had greater scientific pluralism, according to Dalen.
But, as is the case in South Korea, there are still doubts about the sincerity of the ruling party's commitment to greater pluralism.
They also called for respect for human rights and backed opposition demands for greater pluralism in the one-party state.
We could have encouraged greater pluralism.
Bulgaria, he said, must accept greater pluralism and turn itself into a "modern democratic and law-governed state."
Therefore, on questions that don't deal with faith and morals, there's great pluralism.