The shift is profound for a company whose founder was one of postwar America's great popularizers of technology.
Holland was America's great popularizer of butterflies and moths in the first half of the twentieth century.
I agree with you about academic opinion and understand how a kind of group think has taken over mainstream art (probably always will) but academies still produced and supported great popularizers and educators.
Mr. Branagh remains a great popularizer of Shakespeare and now has the chance to speak some of the most famous lines in the English language as if they had just come to mind.
He was also a great popularizer of science in Russia.
Frank Herbert was a great popularizer of scientific ideas; many of his fans credit Frank Herbert for introducing them to philosophy and psychology.
There was, for example, the study of optics by the English school of Robert Grosseteste and his followers through Roger Bacon, its great popularizer.
But Mr. Kazin's models aren't the high-culture critics; he wishes to emulate the great popularizers.
Not for nothing was he the great popularizer of Spanish dance in this country in the 1950's and 60's.
And all these years critics have jeered at Thomas's brother Heinrich as the great popularizer!