It has been said that great putters are born, not made, but Roberts's genius is by no means innate.
While not a great putter, he was able to make the important putts when he needed them.
Both are great putters and they have won unofficial match play competitions together in the past.
He's got a very good short game, great putter, and he keeps the ball in play.
And he's a great putter, a great driver of the golf ball.
I think to be a great putter, you have to read the putts the right way and hit it at the right pace.
I think I'm a great putter, sometimes an incredible putter.
Price will never be a great putter, but he has gotten better.
But throughout a career that he described as having "gone up and down like a yo-yo," Crenshaw has been considered a great putter.
Some say that this putting lesson turned Jones into one of the great putters of all time.