He made a great pyre of the trees as an offering to his new god.
Madoc, moving as though in a dream, pushed his brother's words aside, and focused the blue fire of his eyes on the great pyre of flowers.
A simple watchman's hut stood atop the summit, and a great pyre of wood some distance from it in a circle of well-cleared ground.
Axes meant for war were keen enough to chop the trees needed for a great pyre.
And we burned his body on a great pyre, with Elgiva, in her golden corselet, beside him singing.
And so the sorrowing Folk had consigned their bodies to a single great funeral pyre.
He strode down to where his men were waiting, pausing only to sniff the smoke rising from the great pyre.
The Emperor has him placed on a great pyre, which is set aflame.
The engine that had been breaking down the defenses of Port Rua turned into a great red and yellow pyre.
If I have to turn it into a single great funeral pyre to do so, then that's what I'll do.