Lighthouses, puppies, L VE and Elvis followed (the postal pelvis has had greater retention than any American stamp - 38 million in its first 1 1/2 years).
We have great retention in an industry known for its employee turnover.
The advantages of sandy soil include greater retention of winter warmth, earlier warming in spring, quick drainage and ease of digging.
Consequently, the glacier thickens, with three consequences: firstly, the bed is better insulated, allowing greater retention of geothermal heat.
Home Secretary Charles Clarke calls for greater retention of data related to e-mail transmission in light of the 7 July 2005 London bombings.
Thought leaders are increasingly placing employee engagement at the forefront of the fight for greater authenticity in the workplace, increased employee satisfaction and ultimately greater retention and improved customer service.
You should read much faster with greater comprehension and greater retention.
This structural uniformity explains both the greater tensile strength of the whole leather and the greater retention of strength in splits.
The local planning authority called for greater retention of the building structure as with other schemes in the area.
Aside from combined chemical defenses, other possible benefits of aggregation include better mating opportunities and shelter, greater retention of moisture and heat, and a possible sense of security.