"Walk On" originally consisted of two different songs which, according to Adam Clayton, had great riffs but sounded terrible separately.
This is a great riff from Artie.
Written from the point of view of a hijacker, it has a great Kinks-like riff and Latin break.
Problem number one is that money (and a navel-exposing video) is going to be a tricky substitute for a great riff or intense lyrics.
Carlton said, "he just came in, played this great riff, recorded it and then he left.
Here's a great riff from Derek:
He was a hook-happy art rocker whose experimentalism never caused him to abandon great sing-along riffs.
A great rippling riff of notes, a stunning virtuosity.
So the fascination, actually, was to sample a great riff, loop it, and play it over and over again.
He saw a great riff of images, vivid yet wholly different.