It was coming from a large, multiple-piped instrument in the middle of a great rotunda.
Ogmol led Bryan through a secret passageway that eventually opened into an alcove hard by the dais of Creation House's great rotunda.
The joint proposal was more ambitious in some ways: it called for a great rotunda on the mezzanine level, which would have meant raising Seventh Avenue by a foot.
The great rotunda on the chevet is especially noticeable.
To me, the rush of joy that Wright's great rotunda brings has always been worth its limitations as a gallery.
The only part of the compromise that remains troubling, at least to me, is the manner in which the new Gwathmey Siegel slab would intersect Wright's great rotunda.
Beyond the row of oaks, Swain could see the great white rotunda.
And at its base was some sort of great rotunda that had to be its entrance.
A thousand years ago the tyrant Przelius built a great rotunda here.
These would provide natural light for the offices within and give the tower facade an element to balance visually the mass of Frank Lloyd Wright's great rotunda.