Sailors ran to man the sheets, trimming the great sails to the wind's new angle.
Certain sailors who heard this order ran to the mast and I saw the great sail rising slowly.
Now the great sail was up and filled.
And so we came into the central stream, whereat the sailors lowered the greater sails.
They hauled the anchor home, shook out the great sail, and passed away into the evening night.
Her mind flexed its great sail in the sun and caught its first breath.
Buttercup could not take her eyes from the great black sail.
The great sail was hauled down, and another hoisted.
With a shake of her eight great sails, she had become a mother in her own right, and we were all her children.
The way that the wind worked with the great sails, how the keel beneath us served to guide the ship there through the water.