The Raza Unida Party was established in 1970 in Crystal City and Zavala County to bring greater self-determination among Tejanos.
But local officials in both parties broadly agree in their yearning for greater self-determination.
The issue of greater self-determination for the tribes is one that has drawn increasing attention in recent years.
I will even discuss an exchange of greater self-determination for greater responsibility from my workers.
He also tried to explain his concept of decentralized government and how, if elected, he would divide Suriname into local districts that would have far greater self-determination than now.
Such groups believe attempts at integration with dominant groups compromise their identity and ability to pursue greater self-determination.
In an interview this afternoon, Mr. Brown said the report "reflects a trend which is growing stronger within tribal communities - the asumption of greater self-determination by tribal governments."
Arguably, the most successful effort so far in the Indian movement toward greater self-determination is the establishment of tribal colleges over the last 25 years.
If the Government is going to recognise the right of Scotland and Wales to greater self-determination because of their unique cultural and political positions, then they should recognise ours.
And its component nationalities are struggling for greater self-determination.