Several Chechen political figures asked Russia to press forward with parliamentary elections in the republic to allow for greater self-rule and more efficient government.
The Federal Party supported greater self-rule for the island.
The republics have been increasingly at odds with the center, demanding greater self-rule and leeway to introduce free-market economics on a local level.
The Popular Party, favoring a strong central government, has opposed greater self-rule by the Basque and other autonomous regions.
Administration officials said that Palestinians got the message more emphatically than ever that greater self-rule was contingent on combating terrorism.
Nor is there major disagreement over the idea of greater self-rule by Kashmiris on both sides.
The largest open question was whether the republics, so intent lately on gaining greater self-rule, might resist in some fashion.
The province has been demanding greater self-rule for more than three years, with the Armenians maintaining that they have suffered increased religious, economic and ethnic persecution.
In this, he has attempted to deal with the republics' various separatist and independence campaigns by promising them greater self-rule.
In 1935 the British passed the Government of India Act 1935, designed to give Indian provinces greater self-rule and set up a national federal structure.