It becomes evident that where traditional marriage through the centuries had been a partnership based on mutual dependency, modern marriage demands greater self-sufficiency.
The organization partners with rural health centers to equip families facing malnutrition with seeds, livestock, and know-how for greater self-sufficiency.
Increased self-respect for women, greater economic self-sufficiency for the family and improved business skills are all signs of healthy growth for a family.
That, in turn, would reduce the gross national product by tens of billions, more than offsetting the benefits of greater self-sufficiency and lower import bills.
Under the new charter, the town gained greater self-sufficiency.
New Spain began to produce its own food and textiles leading to greater self-sufficiency.
The British National Party are Eurosceptics, who wish to move towards a greater national self-sufficiency.
Finally, the Arab agricultural boycott that began in 1936 forced the Jewish economy into even greater self-sufficiency.
The agricultural model should be reshaped towards greater self-sufficiency.
Compared with alternatives like pipelines or tanker ships, desalination plants offer communities the advantages of an unlimited water supply and greater self-sufficiency.