Mr. Stanley professed a great solicitude to warm his hands.
It expressed great solicitude for the rights of artists under the First Amendment.
"Arnie, why is it that the media feel such great solicitude for communist countries?"
Upon their shoulders they bore with ease and great solicitude a black-draped, wide-shouldered, slender-hipped tall male form.
Madam, he said whispering even lower and with greater solicitude.
That position doesn't suggest great solicitude for consumers.
In general, Congress showed great solicitude for legal immigrants who are losing disability benefits and Medicaid under the 1996 law.
And one afternoon, Gina Yoshida helped an older woman negotiate the steps to the sidewalk with great solicitude.
Ducklings bob like corks, objects of greater solicitude to the human swimmers than they seem to be to their mothers.
With great solicitude he saw us aboard his powered dory, stowed our luggage, and cast off.