The consequence of the general changes in China's economy and the greater separation of families and economic enterprises has been a greater standardization of family forms since 1950.
Mr. Schily is also proposing European-wide changes, including centralized registration centers in European Union countries, greater standardization and more access to visa data and legal clarification in issues surrounding profiling.
Given the importance of the uses to which information from assessments is put, greater standardisation of methods of assessment is needed to ensure that the validity and reliability of information obtained are acceptable.
A clash of different cultures resulted in greater standardization.
Other observers simply indicated that greater standardization made sense.
This uniformity, not found in X.25 or frame-relay technology, also allows for greater standardization of computerized switching and transmission equipment.
The government, he added, "should use its leverage to promote greater standardization of policies and procedures."
The move toward greater standardization helped broaden the possibilities for intermodal transportation.
The eight countries that moved in the opposite direction--i.e., toward greater standardization of literary outputwere India, Mexico, Argentina, Italy, Poland, Yugoslavia, Belgium, and Austria.
Realizing the opportunity for greater standardization in the offshore process control environment, some of the largest oil and gas producers began planning a Universal Master Control Station (UMCS).