Still they are only specks on the great steppes of Scythia and the even more desolate region that runs untold leagues beyond.
He knew of the existence of the African continent and the great steppes of Russia.
And so they had crossed the great thorny, waterless steppe and come at last to the edge of the morass before Pal-ul-don.
The great steppes were by no means a single, huge, undifferentiated landscape of gracefully swaying stalks.
"Our eyes are the color of North Sea ice, and too often our tongues are as silent as the great, everfrozen steppes themselves."
Yellow plain, blue sky; it was a fine autumn afternoon, here on the great steppe of Beringia.
The great steppes of Central Asia stretch to the horizon, occasionally interrupted by a village or a line of trees.
Beyond Transoxiana lie the great steppes.
So the great steppes to the East, Hitler implies, could be taken over easily on Russia's collapse without much cost in blood to the Germans.
There was a bridge of land that spanned the ocean, from one great steppe to another.