"The very next year, there was a great swing," Riley said.
"I didn't really have a great swing on it, but funny things happen in this game," Damon said.
"He's got a great swing - quick to the ball, long in his finish, and he basically has no stride," said the executive.
Republicans know that 1992 is a year of great swings in the polls, but they are ready for the next swing now, please.
"He was fat and old, but he still had that great swing."
He has all the components, a great swing and he wants to learn.
It's got a great swing to it and its the first time we even used brass.
"It is the best explanation of what has actually been happening in the great swing of American life since the 1950's."
Now we're seeing these 6-foot-3 guys with great swings.
Other bond funds intended for the long-term investor experienced similar or greater swings.