And her husband is not only a great general but a great swordsman as well.
"I am a greater swordsman than you," replied the man.
Dorian had not been a great swordsman, but he was certainly skilled.
If a dandy like Finlay could turn out to be a great swordsman, what else might the reports have been wrong about?
Though no great swordsman myself, I am a student of the art.
Fortunately he was no great swordsman, and could do little damage to such a line as faced him now, shields at the ready.
Rage is a great swordsman who comes from another world.
It would take a great swordsman to wear one of the seven for long, my lord.
He said you always dreamed of being a great swordsman.
He never tried to get into the hall himself, just stood and thought about great one-armed swordsmen.