Still she recovered to my great thankfulness and joy, and though I am no clerk I baptized the boy into the Christian Church with my own hand, naming him Thomas after me.
A great thankfulness was born in the heart of Phariom, for he felt sure that she was not dead - and that she had not awakened at any time to the horrors of the temple.
Duque experienced a great thankfulness for this and tried to express his gratitude but Vata refused to respond.
I look back with great thankfulness to God and deep affection to Holy Cross students for what was a most happy and satisfying central period of my life.
Each night I lay down with greater thankfulness on my hard bed; each morning it was more of an effort to rise.
Never was the sickbed of a monarch watched with more care or devotion than that of this little orphan, and never was a recovery--for at length she did recover--received with greater thankfulness and joy.
--But no more-- these may be thought to be matters of great thankfulness, and may suitably employ our minds at the approaching solemnity.
To his great thankfulness he discovered that there were such, perhaps chiseled by the same makers who had left the similar aids within the inner passages.
My first thought was one of great thankfulness that I had never breathed this last baffled hope to Joe.
Presently the man came out again and, to my great thankfulness, drove the car down to the quay and left it there.