Broadband system-coax has sufficient frequency range to support multiple channels, allowing greater throughput.
Nordique uses a variable high-speed memory in the control unit to provide greater throughput than normally seen in conventional disk units, the company said.
A common misunderstanding is that having greater throughput means a "faster" connection.
It can be used to separate components of the firewall onto separate systems, thereby achieving greater throughput and flexibility, although at some cost to simplicity.
Process optimization allows greater throughput at smaller cost.
This increases the complexity of the CPU design but offers greater throughput as well as superior scaling in multiprocessor systems.
In the Spring, inspectors who got back into the non-existent reprocessing plant reported that a second manufacturing line was under construction - to allow greater throughput.
According to promoters, the Enefit process has a lower retorting time compare to the classical Galoter process and therefore its has a greater throughput.
Workflow applications brought to the modern enterprise what Henry Ford's assembly line brought to manufacturing: improved efficiency, uniform outcomes, and greater throughput.
The three short tunnels were to give greater throughput and are all on the same line.