Aristophanes was the equal of these great tragedians in his subtle use of lyrics.
Can a great tragedian play the clown?
Aristotle's methodology was inductive and based on reading the great tragedians of his day.
Verily, then, tragedy is a wise thing and Euripides a great tragedian.
Dionysus, as patron of the Athenian dramatic festival, the Dionysia, wants to bring back to life one of the great tragedians.
For example he interpreted the verses of the works of Euripides to win material for his vita of this great tragedian.
Desperately I sought for Ovid, whom Pandora had so loved, and for the great tragedians of Greece.
He even surpassed Kemble in many of the characters, which were supposed to be the great tragedian's own.
The story of Philoctetes had inspired all three of Athens's great tragedians.
Now, at the festivals, we may watch the great tragedians, because they speak truth to the soul.