But what's one more night camped at the side of the road to such great travelers as yourselves?
Ms. Parsons was a great traveler, and a lot of her paintings were made in response to places she visited.
The yacht owner was a great traveler, and always made friends with other globe-trotters.
The Manni-folk were also powerful, in their way, and great travelers between the worlds.
No dog owner (or dog) needs to be told dogs are great travelers.
You have prospects of being a great traveler, enjoying contact with people of many nations.
At this all eyes turned to me, for it was understood that I was a great traveler.
Space is deep. . . and my race have long been great travelers.
But Titanides were not great travelers, tending to live in the region of their birth.
My grandfather who was a great traveler was there many times.