"There was already a great uproar when we opened up the economy to 100 percent foreign ownership," he said.
A great uproar greeted the huge bear as he neared the cause of the excitement.
He had always imagined a great uproar of planes landing and taking off, but it was not like that.
And, of course, I never asked him what he felt because it wasn't worth the great uproar my question would have produced.
"What happened last time around generated a great uproar, but people kept on going there," he said.
One late afternoon, in the village, a great uproar arose.
When her body surfaced a few days later, a great uproar swept through the town.
Once I heard a great uproar in the village.
The bride's father, our good friend there, is a noble person, and I am proud to know him (great uproar).
Castruccio raised a great uproar within the city, calling the people to arms and forcing open the gate from his side.