As one scholar recently put it, fundamentalism is "dynamic, adaptive and modern," perhaps the last great ideological upsurge of the 20th century.
"August was slower than expected, and September isn't showing any great upsurge."
It so happens that Goethe came at a time in Europe when there was a great upsurge of life.
New hardships have not produced any great upsurge in crime.
In late 1997, when South Korea suddenly found itself in economic crisis, there was a great upsurge of patriotism.
And, in addition, a great upsurge in revivalism had occurred.
Shortly thereafter, the town's fishing industry experienced a great upsurge.
The 1980s saw a great upsurge of interest in the environment.
If they're able to face the truth, they must know that this is a great upsurge of popular feeling against an oppressive regime.
The introduction of a trump suit produces a great upsurge in complexity and possibility.