"I told him, apparently with great verve, about the series and how wonderful it was," she remembered.
He embellished it with great verve and let me place my mother in context.
He did so well that he slammed through a mating attack with great verve.
Mr. Reeves tells his story unsparingly, with great verve and vigor.
Officials in the sport continue to search for a better way to market their product, played below the rim with great verve and creativity.
But they will also appropriate with great verve and sophistication mass culture, mass media and the new technology.
He played his role with great verve.
He is a man of great verve, idealism and talent but of no fixed profession.
They recorded the song with great verve and enthusiasm.
There are eight of them plus a leader who, with great verve, is directing their attention to an outdoor display of apples.