They journeyed in great wains, and their chieftains fought in chariots.
Men out of the East, a fierce people riding in great wains, came against Gondor, doubtless stirred up by Sauron and Ulairi.
They went through Dr adan to Rimmon with great wains.
Then they laid the bier upon a great wain with Riders of Rohan all about it and his banner borne before; and Merry being Thêoden's esquire rode upon the wain and kept the arms of the king.
(14) Of the ancient road made by the men of Gondor through the hills he says this: '... They went to Eilenach with great wains.
Small holdings here and there, ruled by petty lords, new settlements carved out by a scattered people moving up from the south in great wheeled wains, bringing flocks and herds, their carefully treasured seed.
The Convent's lands were rich and heavy, virgin soil reclaimed; and the Prior, watching the last great wain piled high with wealth of golden treasure, saw the porter coming to him.
And as each length of trench was completed, they could see great wains approaching; and soon yet more companies of the enemy were swiftly setting up, each behind the cover of a trench, great engines for the casting of missiles.
They went through Drúadan to Rimmon with great wains.
Emboldened, he began: " Tis a story of a man who owned a great strong wain that could move without oxen, and in it he-" "What pulled it, then?