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It stood, in fact, on the edge of great-power status.
Although the costs of the war in Chechnya greatly exceeded expectations, the president continued his rhetoric about Russia's great-power status.
At the same time, he described Iran's ambitions as reflecting a desire to restore Persia's great-power status, rather than driven by religious convictions.
And they saw Mr. Gorbachev's reforms as the only way to restore their country to great-power status.
Formal or informal acknowledgment of a nation's great-power status has also been a criterion for being a great power.
Socialism could not create the wealth needed for the Welfare State as well as great-power status.
There is opposition at home from those who think that Russia's great-power status can be restored only by balancing against the United States.
It accelerated Spain's descent from great-power status.
Even now, under Vladimir Putin, Russia is clearly trying to reassert a great-power status to which Russians feel entitled by geography and history.
It is not unknown in history for a great country to ignore fundamental problems until too late - until national decline from great-power status is irreversible.