The people had at that time the greatest affection for their new government, which they had just established by a general insurrection.
I have the greatest affection for him, but he is what I expect you would call gothic!
Men live in the company of other men and reserve their greatest affection for them.
We will cherish his memory with the greatest affection.
Besides these two boys, for whom I had the greatest affection, there was another, Joey, who has since become a letter carrier.
Captain Blake was, of all my commanders, the one I remember with the greatest affection.
There was never any doubt in my mind as to where his greatest affection was.
Various friends have testified that they appeared to live on terms of the greatest mutual affection.
Please let me say, Helen, that I have the very greatest affection and respect for you.
With the greatest affection, we lift our glasses to you.