He is arguably the greatest architect of the 20th century.
Add up these ideas, and you won't be far from a working definition of the ideal America's greatest architects have long aspired to.
As one put it: "We were convinced that we would get the world's greatest architect putting his best foot forward."
Virtually all of the greatest American architects built significant works in Buffalo.
The greatest architect in the world, owing to there being so few people in it.
"But you're the greatest architect in the world," the king protested.
"He was the greatest architect of the 20th century," Gluckman says, "and a fundamental influence on my education."
He finished up as one of Britain's greatest and most original architects.
He was later seen as one of Australia's greatest architects.
"That lent itself to trying to engage the greatest architects of our time to make a major civic statement," he said.