Why is the world's greatest deliberative body so absent of great deliberators?
In the world's greatest deliberative body, he was one of just a few who could fairly be described as deliberating.
"The greatest deliberative body in the whole world - you can't hack it under my standards?"
And yet, despite those factors (or perhaps because of them) the Senate is widely considered to be the greatest deliberative body in the world.
They were elected by the greatest body of men exercising the right of election the European world ever saw.
This "little thing like that" spawned the greatest body of work in classical dance history.
The Senate has been described as "the greatest deliberative body on earth."
To have the most advanced polity and the greatest body of poetry is, I think, an incredible combination.
The modern East creates the greatest body of films.
The City Council may not be the world's greatest deliberative body.