The nation must embark on its greatest journey, through present day Iran and Iraq, to the edges of India.
Singh's last and greatest journey commenced in 1878.
Remember, Stanley made his greatest journey without Livingstone.
His greatest journey lasted 421 days during 2009/2010, which is described in the book "The Great Adventure."
Si's greatest journey, accordingly, is not his voyage into a gaslight-era Manhattan but the leap of faith he takes in accepting its reality.
Facing hunger, loneliness, near-mutiny and what has come to be known as the greatest small-boat journey in history, this is their story.
History has come to consider the James Caird's voyage as one of the greatest small-boat journeys ever accomplished.
There was no rest after Jordan, our greatest journey of 2011 had yet to begin.
In 1890 permission was granted for the Pamirs crossing, the first of the Littledales' three greatest journeys.
The greatest journey in Koas history was about to end in tragedy.