I believe a solution is at hand that would greatly alleviate both problems.
These concerns have not been greatly alleviated by subsequent reported cases.
If so, repairing the leak can greatly alleviate the problem.
New dams built upstream of Florence have greatly alleviated the problem in recent years.
More donors could greatly alleviate the need to ration.
In China there exist labor laws which, if fully enforced, would greatly alleviate common abuses such as not paying workers.
While the water situation in the Southwest is particularly acute, a good drenching over the next few weeks would greatly alleviate the shortage.
Modern medicine has greatly alleviated the risk of childbirth.
But you do realize how your kindness of three weeks ago has greatly alleviated the international tension, particularly in relation to my country.
This is a national disgrace that could be greatly alleviated by returning to our former progressive-income tax policies.