She had to receive a party that evening, and though greatly depressed in spirits she did the honours with her usual grace.
My host was of a less excitable temperament, and, although greatly depressed in spirits, exerted himself to sustain my own.
This loss so greatly depressed the Macbeans that I am unable to trace the succession from this period until the time of Gillies, about 1500.
These markets had been greatly depressed throughout much of the 1770s, and Chalford, perhaps more so than other clothing areas, suffered badly.
The continuing spell of dry weather in much of eastern Britain has caused recharge to groundwater in the winter of 1990/91 to be much less than normal, and groundwater levels are greatly depressed in consequence, particularly in the Chalk of East Anglia.
For the third successive winter, recharge to groundwater was much less than normal, and groundwater levels are greatly depressed in consequence, particularly in the Chalk of East Anglia.
If the management company sours on some of these small, illiquid stocks and decides to sell, it could greatly depress their prices, perhaps wiping out much of the fund's gains in the process.
You can imagine that, as the ice cream gets colder and colder, the concentration of the solutes continues to increase as water is progressively removed from the liquid solution as it freezes, thereby greatly depressing the freezing point of whatever amount of liquid is left.
However, after realizing that Motoko could only be a Host personality, he became greatly depressed at the idea that if she was to fuse with Zero she would lose all memories of their time together.