Because of its long use, especially in writing for academic and administrative purposes, the vocabulary and to some extent the sentence syntax of Standard English have been greatly elaborated.
All of these brains contain the same set of basic anatomical components, but many are rudimentary in the hagfish, whereas in mammals the foremost part (the telencephalon) is greatly elaborated and expanded.
His childhood, as well as the unique customs and rituals of his people are greatly elaborated on.
Thomas Mann has elaborated greatly on the definition of this term in "Joseph the Provider", the fourth book of his tetralogy "Joseph and His Brothers".
This passage in Luke offers interesting references to some of the major events which are greatly elaborated on in the Book of Revelation.
It was first popularized in 1922 by Swedish astronomer Gunnar Malmquist (1893-1982), who then greatly elaborated upon this work in 1925.
One is that its existence was not greatly elaborated in a publication by the Mexican government for the 1928 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas in New York.
The Episiarchs have other military (and possibly civilian) uses as well, although these are not greatly elaborated upon.
Services, in short, will be greatly elaborated.
This precedent was greatly elaborated upon by Pope John Paul II with his historic trips, numbering over a hundred.