This greatly enraged the party, but Yuwen Tuo was too strong an enemy to be confronted.
This new tactic greatly enrages Tyron and his gang, who catch Lavan daydreaming in an empty classroom after school.
This was a difficult situation because Jesus is not considered as the son of God in the Qur'an, which was expected to greatly enrage a devout Christian like Emperor Sahama.
It is revealed that Vulcan and his team rescued Scott from Krakoa (it was previously thought that Krakoa itself released Scott to bring it more victims), and Vulcan was able to hurt the living island, which greatly enraged the creature.
"But the god of sorrows was jealous and greatly enraged at the sight of the child-and he hurled his wrath and killed him."
She was once compared to professional dancer and legend Isadora Duncan, which greatly enraged her, as she disliked Duncan.
Diodorus Siculus, History, 13.92: By suiting every word to the taste of his audience and to his own plan, Dionysius greatly enraged the assembly.
This means that he has much more to eat than most people, something which greatly enrages Miranda.
At which I was so greatly enraged that I first tore this note into minute innumerable pieces, and then dashed it dramatically all over the floor of my room--from which, to keep my mother from the job, I afterwards had to pick it up laboriously on all-fours.