Sadly this latter process, desirable as it might be to stem the antics of a few irresponsible councils, has spilled over into Local Government generally with the unfortunate effect that many responsible authorities have been greatly frustrated in their legitimate desire to provide adequate services in their area.
Initially, Weyler was greatly frustrated by the same factors that had made victory difficult for all generals of traditional standing armies fighting against an insurgency.
"They want us to be sheep, but we see -we pay taxes but they get the better roads," he said, greatly frustrated in the most simple terms as the 40th anniversary of the state, his state, approaches.
More often than not, she is greatly frustrated by Suzuki's violent actions, though she usually forgives him due to her being in a sexual relationship with him.
Those who want unfettered control in the endpoints only, are greatly frustrated by the various realities of today's networks, such as firewalls, filtering/throttling, and the lack of adoption of a universal VoIP equivalent to the phone number.
He was greatly frustrated with the journalist work that he found at the time, later saying, "[I couldn't find] a job writing very hard-hitting, interesting pieces that would really make some sort of difference."
People from both Madison Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue are said to be greatly frustrated by the arrangement.
The UK sought to acquire the much longer-ranged United States Air Force AGM-48 Skybolt air-launched ballistic missile, and was greatly frustrated when that weapon was cancelled in late 1962.
As a second-generation Irish-American, I am greatly frustrated by film producers who continue to feed us schmaltzy, sentimental pictures of Ireland out of fear that controversy will offend potential audiences.