The English courtiers were greatly incensed at the gracious reception accorded by the king to these notable rebels.
Greuze, greatly incensed, quarrelled with his confreres, and ceased to exhibit until, in 1804, the Revolution had thrown open the doors of the Academy to all the world.
Ozma was now greatly incensed by the kitten's conduct.
Balukas was greatly incensed over the sanction and refused to pay on principle, turning away offers by others to pay the fine in her stead.
At this evidence of Mongolian barbarity the White Christians were so greatly incensed that they carried out their original design.
Their government was greatly incensed because one of their mail ships had been stopped at sea and two Confederate officials had been taken from it.
Such an indignity, put upon the man they most trusted in the entire assembly of the Convention, had greatly incensed the crowd.
As I recall, you were greatly incensed that I had taken use from you and had caused you to feel pleasure.
Sir Edward is greatly incensed by your abrupt departure; he has taken back Augusta to Bedfordshire.
Demetrius was greatly incensed; he appeared with an army at Ptolemais and ordered Jonathan to come before him.