That would greatly inflate the final judgment, and the longer the duration, the more skewed the result.
It is certain that these figures are greatly inflated, and the Byzantine army must have numbered a few thousand at most.
I've found the selection in Fiji to be not that great, and the price greatly inflated by import taxes.
And they do not greatly inflate the pay.
But he concluded that while its neighbors might have some reasonable grievances, their concerns were greatly inflated.
"Splitting the bill equally" results in my significantly reducing the cost of their meals while greatly inflating mine.
Skull is medium-sized and auditory bullae are not greatly inflated.
Severe winters greatly inflate the numbers of nearly all wintering wildfowl.
"Prime Time Live" was highly publicized before its first broadcast four weeks ago, greatly inflating expectations for the program.
Propagandists greatly inflated the role of the Communists.