The episode greatly raised the prestige of Nehru and India amongst the third world nations.
This fortuitous circumstance had, moreover, another effect, in that it greatly raised the critical knowledge of pictures.
He doubled the numbers and greatly raised the standing of the school.
A 1982 opening date for Twisted Sister greatly raised the band's local visi...
The victory greatly raised Japan's stature in the world of global politics.
Holding a hand, giving a hug, or giving a back rub can greatly raise the person's spirits.
He has added 11 new schools, replaced two-thirds of the principals, set up new programs and greatly raised the district's reading scores.
High blood pressure greatly raises the risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure and kidney failure.
This scattering into small sects of populations greatly raises the species' threat to extinction.
Normal shots are ineffective however, and the player must decide/guess the appropriate time to buy sub-weapons to greatly raise the chance of victory.