"It is threatened greatly by further development - whether it be the expansion of a marina, the re-routing of a road or construction of new homes," Mr. Backer said.
America's two biggest agricultural exports - corn and soybeans - could be greatly threatened by the new regulations to label the product, industry officials say.
The Sunda slow loris is greatly threatened by the pet trade, and is sold as an exotic pet throughout southeast Asia.
The leader of the Spaniards was Sancho Ramírez, King of Aragon, whose realm was greatly threatened by the Moors to the south.
The park was added 1989 IUCN/CNNPA register of threatened protected areas of the world, for its integrity being threatened greatly by overexploitation of its resources.
The remaining Socotra fauna is greatly threatened by goats and other introduced species, as well as climate change.
Destruction of habitat, suppression of fire, development of cattle pastures and use of chemical herbicides have greatly threatened these plants.
This population is greatly threatened as the habitat is "scheduled to be cleared for development".
"And that has been greatly threatened."
Greatly threatened by their ambitious and vindictive external neighbors, the towns banded together under the Patent of 1643/4, recognizing their corporate existence, and compelling recognition from their neighbors as well.