He was greatly trusted by Sun Quan.
In this way, he became greatly trusted by Cao Pi.'Book of Jin, vol.
Yet he was a very good, very intelligent soldier who was greatly trusted by Caesar, and had never let Caesar down.
His recent history has not shown him as a man to be greatly trusted by his acquaintances, or lightly made proxy for another man's honour.
The official CPI rose to 3.3% in May, the rival RPI to 4.3%, neither greatly trusted.
Kapeau was greatly trusted by King Kamehameha III, who said, "He understands the work very well, and I wish there were more such men."
In Roman mythology, Silvia is the goddess of the forest and the moon, the sister of Romei, who is greatly trusted as her husband.
Because of its successes in Sicily and Italy, 30AU became greatly trusted by naval intelligence.
He was greatly trusted by Emperor Wu in Emperor Wu's old age.
Was I not a trusted messenger, greatly trusted and favoured, who had turned aside by the way?