But he says it's a "reasonable price" to pay to bring "greedy" bankers to heel.
But the major roadblock to debt reduction is not greedy bankers.
If only we could invest another currency that left these greedy bankers holding valueless pieces of paper.
I suspect if they did, it would have something to do with 'greedy bankers'.
Then, at least for a moment, you bought into the stereotype of the uncaring, greedy banker.
No - but wealth starts with those greedy bankers - never with us individually.
Why must you turn my country into an international pariah over the actions of a few greedy bankers six decades ago?
A workable monetary system would include as basis both greedy bankers, power hungry politicians, and a gullible public.
So this film may be about horrible, greedy bankers but I want people to think about their own part in these events.