One of her nine babies was stolen by a greedy merchant, and she helps Graham as thanks for his returning the baby.
A greedy merchant also heard her songs; he followed the fishermen and captured the mermaid.
Pern was a virgin world, with metal and mineral aplenty, untouched as yet by careless prospectors and greedy merchants.
In between thwarting Ogawara's plans, the protagonist also receives missions in which he/she eliminates evil people such as abusive monks and greedy merchants.
The greedy merchant realizes that, if necessary, he can blackmail Emma by telling Charles about her affair with Leon.
On July 25 some small merchants were tied to columns with signs hung on their chests reading "Covetous greedy merchant."
He said that they had solved the problem of the "covetous greedy merchants" with "some necks."
Stepped on by greedy merchants, landholders, and government officials, the poor were at the very bottom of the Confucianist social scale.
In a land so poor in metals, I was looking at a fortune to choke the greediest merchant back home.
In each episode, Ikkyū relies on his intelligence and wit to solve all types of problems, from distraught farmers to greedy merchants.