The school seal is in the shape of a shield bearing a cross with green ivy and a gold crown superimposed.
It was almost completely covered by what looked like green ivy - but Alex knew that the twisting vines carried an electrical charge.
A curtain of dark green ivy and philodendron hung from a miniature oasis above the clock.
It was built of grey stone, with dark green ivy spreading diagonally across the face.
Dark green ivy and golden saxifrage flourished amid the crenellations.
It stands out as a well-tended oval of green ivy and pink-flowering plants.
Wrigley is a modest edifice of red brick, green ivy and natural grass under blue sky for most games.
These were the gates all right, great big iron gates, opened wide and covered with dark green ivy.
Grouped together, they form mushroom-shaped clouds of white over a ground cover of dark green ivy.
"I painted the ivy blue instead of green for greater drama," he said.