Patrons sit on brocade chairs or curl up on green banquettes softened with fringed, pink pillows.
Dining upstairs is on classy green banquettes, but down in the cellar the atmosphere is more convivial.
The long, airy space, with ornate trim and stained-glass insets in the ceiling, is lined with dark green banquettes.
The two main dining rooms have sponged yellow walls, dark green banquettes and warm lighting.
Atmosphere: A large dining room with dark green banquettes and well-napped tables, with the formal look of an old-fashioned men's club.
With its green banquettes and huge counter, the Senator (249 Victoria Street; 416-364-7517) looks like an immaculate 1940's diner.
Pigalle is a comforting space, with French windows, a little bar up front, green banquettes and blackboard menus on the walls.
The expansive dining rooms have sponged yellow walls and dark green banquettes.
This handsome SoHo outlet with its exposed walls, wooden tables and green banquettes is the most refined soba restaurant in the city.