It was very simple, the unexpected swallows and the sun and the green corn.
You know when the cows come out to the pasture and eat all the green corn?
But there they are, two big tractors, corn yellow and green, high as an elephant's eye.
The things that the men want to raise most, in order of choice, are green corn, tomatoes, and peppers.
To dream of eating green corn, denotes harmony among friends and happy unions for the young.
But that green corn didn't do us a bit of good.
Last year, in fact, they used their green corn to feed the mourners at Mdati's funeral.
On both sides of the road there was green corn, and it stretched away endlessly.
Was it to help thee steal green corn from the roofs of the houses when the ears are put out to dry?
When the green corn becomes fit for use, they hold their third, or green corn feast.