Today, residents say, their neighborhood is hardly a green haven.
In addition, the original look of the park is still intact and it is also an important example of a green haven in a city setting.
The letters still glowed, EXIT shining like a green haven.
The Conservatory is situated in the grounds of The Lawn, which are a popular green haven and venue for many summer activities.
Many believers make pilgrimages to this site which is surrounded by a green haven of forest.
The gardens here are green havens, veritable gardens of Eden.
The woodlands, with their coppice and old oaks, screen the site from man-made intrusions, making it a green haven for the community.
Straight ahead, beside the entrance, a metallic sign read: green haven correctional facility.
Relatively untouched by modernity, Kavalam is a green haven.
He wanted to have a modern farm in the suburbs of the capital including a green haven (arboretum) for people.