The old Oriental could not have weighed a hundred pounds if his green kimono were sewn with lead.
Terri saw the knife fighters surround the old man in the green kimono.
The green kimono rose, and then did a bow to the upper reaches of the cave.
The girl started to her feet as the juice soaked the front of her green kimono.
The light green kimono weighed 25 pounds and cost roughly $130,000.
The most commonly seen one is a large, fat lady with white skin, a green kimono, red lipstick, and black hair tied in a bun.
She was attired in a green kimono, matched by slippers of the same color.
She was dressed in a gray and green kimono, rope geta on her otherwise bare feet.
The tiny Oriental, his green kimono swirling about him, moved in front of her.
Closing the door, she addressed the tousled girl in the green kimono.