It was not a wide road, that very ancient cut now paved with splotches of red and pale green lichens.
Here and there, pale green lichens clung to the largest of the rust-red rocks.
Here I sat on a tongue of gray granite splotched with crusty green lichen.
There was almost no dust, and no trace of the green lichen that had seemed to stain everything in the area.
Rocks patterned with green lichen are particularly prized quarry.
There was no grass, but deep carpets of green lichen stretched out like meadows.
In the wild, it is always densely covered in bright green powdery lichen.
The water was very clear, and there was green lichen clinging to the walls below the surface.
Their route became a steep scramble between white boulders speckled with green and grey lichen.
The rocks were dotted with round scales of black and green lichen.