The rope, made of green nylon about a half an inch thick, was knotted every three feet or so for handholds.
Made of tough green nylon with stretchy cuffs and elasticated elbows, they cost £9.90 by mail order from Over the Top Textiles (01608 659986;
Every other man carried a poncho stretcher a big sheet of green nylon with loop handles as part of his kit.
Their weapons were hidden beneath the green nylon.
Trashcan Man raised his arm to shield his eyes, and his beer gurgled out onto the green nylon shag when he did.
The pegs were a green vinyl plastic, and the cord was green nylon, both Army issue.
Chef Cyrille Pannier replaced leakage-prone cardboard boxes with new insulated green nylon zippered bags.
The carpet was a two-toned green nylon in a shag long enough to mow.
It was a new tent from a sporting goods store, green nylon stretched over aluminum poles, and it did not leak.
There it was - he could trace the curve of Speedy's bottle through the green nylon of the pack.